Your Quick Reference for Senomix
If you're just getting started...
Guided lessons start when you sign in.
Approve timesheets for employees who report to me
Disapprove timesheets for employees who report to me
Receive an email when staff assigned to me submit a completed timesheet
Get a printed, signable copy of my timesheet
Set my system to automatically sign in with my account
Add a new user account to my system
Add Senomix to our Single Sign-On (SSO) portal dashboard
Import employee user accounts from Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB
Add a new project to my system
Hide projects in my administration application that are inactive
Import projects, activities and tasks from Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB
Send an automatic reminder email to users when timesheets are incomplete
Create a weekly timesheet report
Determine the number of overtime hours worked by an employee
Create a weekly timesheet report for a single project
Define a set of employees as a user group based on team or company function
Define a set of projects as a project group based on customer or type of project
Create a weekly timesheet billing report for an employee team
Create a report for a month of timesheet data
View all time that has been billed to a specific project
View all time that has been billed to a specific project for a given period of time
View all timesheets that have billed to a specific project
View all hours billed to date for a specific task
Create a past or future timesheet for an employee
Disapprove an employee's timesheet
Allow an employee to approve timesheets from their time entry application
Limit the projects that a user can view in their timesheets and expense claims
Change an employee's timesheet
Delete a timesheet or expense claim
Create an administration-only user that does not count against my system's user license total
Set a user to only have access to the stopwatch for recording time
Give administrator access to a user account
Remove a user from my system user count but keep their timesheets and claims
Copy all activity and task billing codes from one project to another
Move billed time from one billing code to another
Convert a template-using project into a stand-alone project with its own activities and tasks
Create a list of all project, activity and task records in my system
Create a billing invoice for one of my system projects
Export timesheet data to Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB
Export timesheet data to Access, Microsoft Excel or an external database
To sign in to your Senomix account from your Windows or Mac OS X desktop computer:
- Visit your sign-in page at
- On your sign-in page, enter your Senomix account's email username and password.
- Click the "Sign In" button to connect.
- You will be connected to your office's Senomix account, with your Main Menu screen displayed. If you could not be connected to your Senomix server, an error message will be displayed describing the problem preventing your connection (for example, an incorrectly entered username or password).
To securely reset your Senomix user account password:
- Visit your sign-in page at
- On your sign-in page, click the "Forgot Password?" link.
- Follow instructions from there to process your password reset.
To sign in to your Senomix account from your iPad, iPhone or Android phone or tablet:
- Open your device's web browser and visit the URL Your mobile application sign-in screen will be displayed.
- With your mobile sign-in screen displayed, enter the email and password for your Senomix account.
- With your sign-in information entered, click the "Sign In" button. You will then be connected to your office's Senomix account.
- With your sign-in complete, your time entry main menu screen will be displayed. You can then proceed to enter or review timesheet information as you would like. If your server connection could not be completed, an error message displaying the cause of your issue will be shown (for example, an incorrectly entered username, password or Senomix account).
To enter your timesheet for your office's current week:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be displayed, with your current week's timesheet shown.
- Using the selection lists, choose the project, activity and task you would like for each line of your timesheet. Each line can be noted as billable or non-billable with the checkbox toggle.
- For each timesheet line, enter your work hours under the appropriate day of the week.
- When you have entered all hours for your work week, or if you would like to save the information you have entered so far, click the green "Save" toolbar button.
- A message will appear indicating that your timesheet has been saved. You can now exit your timesheet by clicking the "Back" toolbar button, or add further information to your timesheet and save your record again. You can click your "Save" button as many times as you would like, and your timesheet can be returned to and edited at any time until you have either marked it as complete for the week, or the record has been approved and locked by your manager.
To mark your timesheet as complete and ready for approval:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be displayed, with your current week's timesheet shown.
- If you will be marking a previous week's timesheet as complete, use your arrow button ◀ to move to the timesheet of interest to you.
- Click the "Options" button located on the bottom row of your timesheet. Your Timesheet Options dialog will be shown. (Note: If examining a previous week's timesheet, you will need to click the "Edit Timesheet" toolbar button to enable your Options button)
- Click the "Mark As Complete" button in your Timesheet Options dialog. A confirmation message will be shown.
- Please note that marking a timesheet as complete for the week will lock your timesheet from any further edits. You should only mark a timesheet as complete once it is fully complete for the week.
- Click the "Yes" button on the confirmation message to confirm your completion. A message will appear indicating that your timesheet has been submitted for approval.
- Your timesheet has now been marked as complete for the week and ready for manager approval.
If you have a need to edit your timesheet after marking it as complete, contact your manager to have that timesheet disapproved. Once your timesheet has been disapproved, you will be able to make changes to your record and mark it as complete when finished.
[How Do I..?] Set my Senomix stopwatch to automatically record timeTo set your Senomix Stopwatch to automatically record time as a background process:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Stopwatch Timer". Your Senomix Stopwatch screen will be displayed.
- Using the project, activity and task selection lists, set the billing code to which you would like to record time. You can note if your time is to be billable or non-billable using the checkbox beneath the billing code selection lists.
- With your chosen billing code set, click the green "Start Recording Time" button.
- Your stopwatch is now set to automatically record time to the billing code you have selected. You can now leave your stopwatch on-screen or minimize it to your computer's taskbar or dock to operate in the background while you work. Your stopwatch can be brought back on-screen by clicking the minimized window in your computer's taskbar or dock.
- When you would like to stop recording time to your selected billing code, click the red "Stop Recording Time" button. Once your stopwatch has stopped recording, you can close your stopwatch or switch to a different billing code and resume recording time as you would like.
To save your timesheet's line-by-line settings for project, activity, task and billable billing code to automatically populate your timesheet's selections from one week to the next:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be displayed, with your current week's timesheet shown.
- Just as you would set your timesheet lines for a week's timesheet, select the project, activity, task and billable values for each timesheet line you would like to have displayed in your pre-populated timesheet each week. If your timesheet already displays the timesheet layout you would like to have saved for your defaults, you can leave the displayed timesheet untouched.
- Once you have selected the lines you would like to have appear in your timesheet each week, click the "Set as Default" toolbar button. A message will appear indicating that your timesheet defaults have been set to the displayed timesheet lines.
- When you next enter your weekly timesheet screen, your timesheet layout will be pre-populated to display the project, activity, task and billable values you have set for your defaults. To clear your timesheet defaults (so, have no timesheet lines pre-populated for your week), click the "Clear" button to clear your timesheet and then click the "Set as Default" button to set your template to be a 'blank' timesheet.
- For more details about the functions available for your timesheet template setting, please see your timesheet entry users guide.
To change or enter a timesheet from a previous week (for example, to cover a period of time you were out of the office):
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be opened displaying your current week's timesheet.
- Click your 'previous' button ◀ to move the displayed time period to the previous week.
- With your timesheet of interest selected, click the "Edit Timesheet" toolbar button to shift your record from read-only mode. If the "Edit Timesheet" button is disabled, your record has been locked from editing and must first be disapproved by your manager before it can be changed.
- Once your past timesheet has been placed into editable mode, you can change the timesheet in any way you would like. Once you have finished making your changes, click the "Save" toolbar button. A message will appear to inform you that your timesheet has been saved. You can then exit the timesheet screen or perform other edits to the record as you would like.
To create a timesheet that covers a future week (for example, to cover a period of vacation or travel when you expect to be out of the office):
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be opened displaying your current week's timesheet.
- Click your 'next' button ▶ to move the displayed time period to the next week.
- With your time period of interest selected, click the "Edit Timesheet" toolbar button to shift your record from read-only mode. You can then enter your future timesheet's details.
- Once your timesheet has been entered, click the "Save" toolbar button. A message will appear indicating that your future timesheet has been successfully saved.
To create a timesheet that covers a previous week you have missed:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet". Your Timesheet Entry screen will be opened displaying your current week's timesheet.
- Click your 'previous' button ◀ to move the displayed time period to the previous week.
- With your time period of interest selected, click the "Edit Timesheet" toolbar button to shift your record from read-only mode. You can then enter your past timesheet's details.
- Once your timesheet has been entered, click the "Save" toolbar button. A message will appear indicating that your past timesheet has been successfully saved.
If you have had system users assigned to you for timesheet approval (through the Assign Users option in the User Administration screen of your office's Senomix Administration application), you can review and approve timesheet records for those individuals by following these steps:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Management". Your Management Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Management Sub-Menu Screen, click the button labeled "Approve Timesheets". Your Timesheet Approval screen will be displayed, listing all non-approved timesheets for individuals in your scope of responsibility. If there are no timesheets awaiting your approval, a message indicating this will appear rather than showing a timesheet list.
- Once your Timesheet Approval screen has been opened, select a timesheet record of interest and open it for review by clicking the "Details" toolbar button. Once you have confirmed the timesheet has been entered in an acceptable manner, return to your Timesheet Approval screen by closing the Timesheet Detail (by clicking the "Back" button on that screen) and click the green "Approve" toolbar button to approve the selected record.
- A confirmation message will be displayed that asks you to confirm the timesheet approval. Click the "Yes" button to complete the approval.
- A confirmation popup message will be displayed indicating that the selected timesheet has been approved. Click anywhere on your screen to close that popup message.
- You will then be returned to your Timesheet Approval screen, with the approved timesheet now removed from your listing. If all timesheets have been approved, you will be informed that no further timesheets are awaiting your approval and will be returned to your Management Sub-Menu screen.
If you have had system users assigned to you for timesheet approval (through the Assign Users option in the User Administration screen of your office's Senomix Administration application), you can review and disapprove timesheet records for those individuals.
If one of your staff have mistakenly marked their timesheet as complete for the week, or need to make changes to a timesheet they have submitted for your approval, you can disapprove that timesheet to enable it for editing by following these steps:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Management". Your Management Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Management Sub-Menu Screen, click the button labeled "Approve Timesheets". Your Timesheet Approval screen will be displayed, listing all non-approved timesheets for individuals in your scope of responsibility. If there are no timesheets awaiting your approval, a message indicating this will appear rather than showing a timesheet list.
- Once your Timesheet Approval screen has been opened, select a timesheet record of interest and open it for review by clicking the "Details" toolbar button. Once you have confirmed the timesheet is the record to be disapproved, return to your Timesheet Approval screen by closing the Timesheet Detail (by clicking the "Back" button on that screen) and click the red "Disapprove" toolbar button to disapprove the selected record.
- A confirmation message will be displayed that asks you to confirm the disapproval. Click the "Yes" button to complete the disapproval.
- A confirmation popup message will be displayed indicating that the selected timesheet has been disapproved. Click anywhere on your screen to close that popup message.
- The selected timesheet has now been disapproved. Any record locking that may have been set by an employee marking that record as complete will now be cleared.
If you would like to receive an email whenever staff assigned to you submit a timesheet for your review and approval:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your System Settings screen, click the "Receive Email on Staff Timesheet Submit" checkbox "On".
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, with a confirmation popup shown to confirm your save.
- A notification email will now be sent to you whenever staff assigned to your scope of responsibility mark a timesheet as complete and ready for your review and approval. To turn this option off, click the "Receive Email on Staff Timesheet Submit" checkbox to "Off" and click the "Save" toolbar button.
To submit an expense claim:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Management". Your Management Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Management Sub-Menu Screen, click the button labeled "Expense Claim". Your Expense Claim Entry screen will be displayed, with the date of your expense claim noted in the top-right corner of your record. That claim date can be changed if you would prefer to provide a different date for which your claim is to be recorded.
- Using the fields provided, enter each expense claim item on its own row. You can set the project, activity and task billing code corresponding to the expense, select the expense type from your office's list of expense classifications, and indicate whether or not the expense is to be considered billable to the indicated project. The date on which the expense was incurred will be set on the second row of the expense's information, with a description of the expense enterable in the provided field. The amount of the expense (not including taxes) will be entered in the right-most field of the expense's row.
- For accounting purposes, taxes will be recorded separately from expense base amounts. An expense's taxes can be entered in the expense claim line immediately following the line used to record an expense's base amount, with the tax type indicated by an appropriate selection in the "Expense Type" box.
- A Vendor corresponding to your expense claim can also be specified if that information would be appropriate for your claim. The Vendor can be selected from the selection list provided at the bottom of your claim.
- Once all expense items and corresponding taxes have been entered for your claim (or if you would like to save your claim part way through entering your information), click the green "Save" toolbar button. A confirmation message will be shown indicating that your expense claim has been saved. You can then close your screen by clicking the "Back" toolbar button, or make changes to your expense claim and re-save it as you like.
To obtain a signable, printed hard-copy of your timesheet:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Timesheet List". Your Timesheet Listing screen will be displayed, with all of your entered timesheet records shown in the screen's table window.
- In the lower table window of your Timesheet Listing screen, select the timesheet you wish to print.
- With your timesheet of interest selected, click the "Details" toolbar button. Your Timesheet Detail screen will be opened, with your timesheet's information displayed.
- Click the "Get Printable" toolbar button. A print-ready copy of your timesheet will then be displayed in your web browser or Microsoft Excel (as you have set in your application report preferences). You can then save, print, or email your print-ready timesheet as you would like.
To change your Senomix account password:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your System Settings screen, click the button labeled "Change Password". Your Change Password dialog will be displayed.
- In your Change Password dialog, enter your current password in the "Old Password" field, and enter the new password you would like to use in the "New Password" and "Confirm" fields (your new password must be entered identically in both the "New Password" and "Confirm" fields). Your new password must be at least four characters in length.
- With your old and new passwords entered, click the "Save" button. Your system password will now be set to the new value you have chosen, with a confirmation message appearing to confirm your saved change.
To have your Timesheet Entry application automatically sign in to your office's Senomix Server with your username and password and not display a sign in screen when you start your program:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your System Settings screen, click the "Set Auto Login" checkbox "On".
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, with a confirmation popup shown to confirm your save.
- Your application will now be set to automatically sign you in to your time entry application the next time you visit your sign-in screen. To turn auto-login off, re-enter your System Settings screen, click the "Set Auto Login" checkbox to "Off" and click the "Save" toolbar button.
To have your Senomix Stopwatch automatically record a timestamp to indicate when your time recording session was started and stopped:
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your System Settings screen, click the "Timestamp on Stopwatch Start/Stop" checkbox to "On".
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, with a confirmation popup shown to confirm your save.
- Your Senomix Stopwatch will now automatically record a timestamp to your timesheet entry comments whenever your stopwatch is started or stopped.
To have reports created in your Timesheet Entry application open in Microsoft Excel (instead of your web browser):
- Sign in to your account. You will be brought to your Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your System Settings screen, set the "Create Reports Using" radio buttons to select the option labeled "MS Excel".
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, with a confirmation popup shown to confirm your save.
- Your system reports will now automatically open in Microsoft Excel whenever you create a printable timesheet or timesheet comments report. To change your reports back to opening in your computer's default web browser, return to your System Settings screen and change your "Report Default" radio buttons to again select the option labeled "Web Browser". After clicking the "Save" toolbar button, your reports will once again be displayed in your web browser when created.
If you are importing your project information from Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB, you will want to create your projects in your accounting app, then import your information.
To manually add a new user account to your Senomix Timesheets system:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- On your User Administration screen, click the "New" toolbar button to clear and prepare your screen for a new record.
- With your User Administration screen ready for a new record, enter the details for your new user account. Fields that are shaded a light blue colour are mandatory, with all other items optional for your record.
- Once your new user record details have been added, click the green "Save" toolbar button. Your user account will now be added to your Senomix database, with the new user able to sign in to their account and save timesheet information with the username and password you have provided for their access.
You can find detailed instructions for adding Senomix to your SSO portal in the Link Your Single Sign-On Provider guide available in your help pages.
[How Do I..?] Import employee user accounts from Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOBFor detailed instructions about how to import Employee records into Senomix Timesheets from Xero, QuickBooks or MYOB, please see your Administration Users Guide.
[How Do I..?] Add a new project to my systemIf you are importing your project information from Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB, you will want to create your projects in your accounting app, then import your information.
To manually add a new Project to your Senomix system:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Project Admin". Your Project Administration screen will be displayed.
- On your Project Administration screen, click the "New" toolbar button to clear and prepare your screen for a new record.
- With your Project Administration screen ready for a new record, enter the information for your project. Fields that are shaded a light blue colour are mandatory, with all other items optional for your record.
- To apply a template of activities and tasks to your project, click the "Template Used" selector and select the template you would like to use for your project's work (as described in your administration guide).
- Once the details have been entered for your new project, click the green "Save" toolbar button. Your new project will now be added to your Senomix database and be ready for use in employee timesheets.
You can set your administration screen to only show projects that are set as active by clicking the blue "Showing All Projects / Showing Only Active" button. That button is provided on your project administration screen and allows you to toggle between displaying all projects or only active projects in your screen table window.
[How Do I..?] Import projects, activities and tasks from Xero, QuickBooks or MYOBFor detailed instructions about how to import Project, Activity and Task information into Senomix from the Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB accounting packages, please see your Administration Users Guide.
[How Do I..?] Send an automatic reminder email to users when timesheets are incompleteTo have your Senomix Timesheets system send an automatic reminder email to any users who have not saved a full timesheet for their work week:
- Sign in to your account. On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- You can enable sending email reminders in your office by clicking the "Send Email Reminders" checkbox to "On" and clicking the "Save" toolbar button.
- With your email reminders enabled, reminder messages will be automatically sent to any users who have not saved a complete timesheet at the time your office's week ending date changes. The rules used to identify whether or not a timesheet is considered complete can be found in the description of your "Incomplete Timesheets" report, as provided in your Administration Users Guide.
- You can change the content of your reminder message by clicking the "Configure Reminder Email" button on your Settings screen.
To create a report of all timesheet data that falls under a given week ending date for purposes of creating a week-ending report for billing or timesheet review:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- On your Create Report screen, click the "This Week" or "Last Week" date preset buttons to set the query date range to the current or previous week, or enter in the Date From and Date To fields the date range corresponding to the days you would like to view in your report.
- Set your Report Type to be one of "Spreadsheet Report", "Work In Progress", "Project Effort / Billing Summary", etc. as you would like for your report output.
- With your report date range and output type set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- Your timesheet report will be created and opened for viewing in your web browser or Microsoft Excel as set for your report output preference.
Overtime hours recorded in Senomix Timesheets are summarized in an Overtime line on your weekly Spreadsheet Report. After generating a weekly timesheet report (as described above), Overtime hours can be viewed for each employee beneath their timesheet record for the week. This is described in more detail in your Administration Users Guide under the heading "Overtime in Spreadsheet Reports".
[How Do I..?] Create a weekly timesheet report for a single projectTo create a report with all timesheet entry hours in your system that fall under a given week ending date and have billed time to a given project:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- On your Create Report screen, click the "This Week" or "Last Week" date preset buttons to set the query date range to the current or previous week, or enter in the Date From and Date To fields the date range corresponding to the days you would like to view in your report.
- Using the Billing Code selectors, select the Project on which you would like to filter your report. With a distinct Project selected, only hours billed to that project will be included in your report.
- Set your Report Type to be one of "Spreadsheet Report", "Work In Progress", "Project Effort / Billing Summary", etc. as you would like for your report output. If you have selected the "Spreadsheet Report", be sure to click the "Only Include Filtered Billing Codes" checkbox to "On" in order to filter your spreadsheet report output to only contain information for that project (rather than contain all timesheets that bill time to that project).
- With your report date range and output type set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- Your timesheet report will be created and opened for viewing in your web browser or Microsoft Excel as set for your report output preference. Your report will contain a listing of all time that has been billed to your specified project for the date range of your report. If creating a Spreadsheet Report without using the "Only Include Filtered Billing Codes" option, the full timesheet records will be shown of any timesheet weeks that include any time billed to your specified project.
To create a Senomix user group in your system that categorizes employees by team, company department, or any other criteria you would like:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Configuration". Your Configuration Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Configuration Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Groups". Your User Group Administration screen will be displayed
- On your User Group Administration screen, click the "New" toolbar button to clear the screen and prepare it for a new record.
- With your User Group Administration screen cleared and prepared for a new record, enter in the "Group Name" field the name to which you will refer to your new user group (for example, "Administrative Staff"). This is the name by which your user group will be available in your report creation and review records screens.
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your new user group will now be created, with the group's record available for selection in your screen's table window.
- In your User Group Administration screen's table window, select the user group record you have just created and click the "Users" button. Your User Group Entries screen will be displayed.
- Using the arrow buttons positioned between the "Employees Not in User Group" and "Employees in User Group" tables, select the system users to include in the named user group. User accounts can be added to or removed from the "Employees in User Group" table window as appropriate for the group's membership. Any user accounts listed in the "Employees in User Group" table when changes are saved will be considered part of the user group for report and record query purposes.
- Once all user accounts have been selected for your user group, click the "Save" toolbar button. Your new user group can now be used when querying records or creating system reports to limit your data to the employees included in your defined user group.
To create a Senomix project group in your system that categorizes projects by client, project type, or any other criteria you would like:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Configuration". Your Configuration Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Configuration Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "Project Groups". Your Project Group Administration screen will be displayed
- On your Project Group Administration screen, click the "New" toolbar button to clear the screen and prepare it for a new record.
- With your Project Group Administration screen cleared and prepared for a new record, enter in the "Group Name" field the name to which you will refer to your new project group (for example, "Development Projects"). This is the name by which your project group will be available in your report creation screen.
- Click the "Save" toolbar button. Your new project group will now be created, with the group's record available for selection in your screen's table window.
- In your Project Group Administration screen's table window, select the project group record you have just created and click the "Projects" button. Your Project Group Entries screen will be displayed.
- Using the arrow buttons positioned between the "Projects Not in Project Group" and "Projects in Project Group" tables, select the projects to include in the named project group. Projects can be added to or removed from the "Projects in Project Group" table window as appropriate for the group's membership. Any projects listed in the "Projects in Project Group" table when changes are saved will be considered part of the project group when creating your reports.
- Once all projects have been selected for your project group, click the "Save" toolbar button. Your new project group can now be used when creating system reports to limit your data to the projects included in your defined project group.
To create a week or month-ending report for billing or timesheet review for a given group of employees:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- On your Create Report screen, click the "This Week" or "Last Week" date preset buttons to set the query date range to the current or previous week, or enter in the Date From and Date To fields the date range corresponding to the days you would like to view in your report.
- Using the User Group selector, select the name of the user group on which you wish to filter your report. With a distinct user group selected, only the hours billed by the employees set for that group will be included in your report.
- Set your Report Type to be one of "Spreadsheet Report", "Work In Progress", "Project Effort / Billing Summary", etc. as you would like for your report output.
- With your report date range and output type set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- Your timesheet report will be created and opened for viewing in your web browser or Microsoft Excel as set for your report output preference. Your report will contain a listing of all time recorded for the group of employees and time range that you have chosen.
To create a report for all time recorded in a single month for purposes of billing, project management, or timesheet review:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- On your Create Report screen, click the "This Month" or "Last Month" date preset buttons to set the query date range to the current or previous month, or enter in the Date From and Date To fields the date range corresponding to the month of timesheet records you wish to view in your report.
- Set your Report Type to be one of "Spreadsheet Report", "Work In Progress", "Project Effort / Billing Summary", etc. as you would like for your report output.
- With your report date range and output type set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- Your timesheet report will be created and opened for viewing in your web browser or Microsoft Excel as set for your report output preference. Your report will contain a listing of all time recorded for the month you have chosen.
To view a project summary that displays all time billed to a specific project:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- Click the "Clear" button to clear all timesheet filter items. With all date fields and other filter items cleared for your report, your report output will include all items recorded for all time included in your system.
- Using the Billing Code selectors, select the Project on which you wish to filter your report. With a distinct Project selected, only hours billed to that project will be included in your report.
- Select the "Report Type" of "Work In Progress Report" and click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- A formatted report will be created and opened for viewing that will list a breakdown of all hours billed to date to the various activities and tasks of the project you have chosen.
To view the hours that have been billed to a project for a specific period of time (for example, to identify how effort was directed in a project for the first two weeks of work):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- Click the "Clear" button to clear all timesheet filter items.
- Enter in the Date From and Date To fields the lower and upper-bound dates for the period of time of interest to you.
- Using the Billing Code selectors, select the Project on which you wish to filter your report. With a distinct Project selected, only hours billed to that project will be included in your report.
- Select the "Report Type" of "Work In Progress Report" and click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- A formatted report will be created and opened for viewing that will list a breakdown of the hours billed during the time period you have set for the various activities and tasks of the project you have chosen.
To view all timesheets, and all data in those timesheets, for timesheet records that have at least one entry billed to a specific project:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Review Records". Your Review Records screen will be displayed.
- On your Review Records screen, use the billing code selectors to select the project of interest to you.
- With your project of interest selected, click the "Get Records" toolbar button.
- Your Timesheet Administration screen will be displayed, showing all timesheets for which at least one entry has been billed against the project you have selected. If, after clicking the "Get Records" button, a message appears informing you that no matching timesheets could be found, then there are no timesheets in your system that have time billed to your selected project.
- With the system timesheets of interest displayed in your Timesheet Administration screen, the records can be selected from your screen's table window for viewing or editing as you would like.
To view all effort hours that have been billed towards the completion of a specific billing code task:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- Click the "Clear" button to clear all timesheet filter items. With all date fields and other filter items cleared for your report, your report output will include all items recorded for all time included in your system.
- Using the Billing Code selectors, select the project, activity and task on which you wish to filter your report. With a distinct task selected, only hours billed to that task will be included in your report.
- Select the Report Type of "Spreadsheet Report".
- Click the "Only Include Filtered Billing Codes" checkbox filter option to "On". This will ensure that only hours related specifically to the project you have selected will be displayed in your spreadsheet report (a spreadsheet report will typically display full timesheets for each week).
- With your report and filter items set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button.
- A spreadsheet report will be created and opened for your viewing, with a list provided of all hours billed to date for the project, activity and task you have selected. Having been created as a spreadsheet report, the specific hours billed by working day will be shown broken down by employee and timesheet week.
To create one or more timesheet records with any given week ending date (for purposes such as providing an employee with a missed timesheet, or entering timesheet records in advance to cover a period of vacation):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the employee for whom you would like to create a timesheet.
- With the user record of interest selected, click the button labeled "Create Timesheet". Your Create Timesheet screen will be displayed, with the Employee Number and Employee Name fields set to reflect the user you have chosen.
- In your Create Timesheet screen, select the week ending date corresponding to the week ending for which you would like to create a timesheet.
- With the week ending date set for the timesheet to create, click the "Create Record" toolbar button. A confirmation message will be displayed that shows the date for which the timesheet will be created. Click the "Yes" button to create a timesheet with the week ending date shown.
- A confirmation popup will appear indicating that a timesheet has been created for the displayed system user and selected week ending date. If an error message appears indicating that a timesheet already exists for the selected user and week ending date, you can confirm the presence of that record through your Timesheet Administration screen and, if necessary, disapprove the timesheet to unlock it and enable the user to edit their record.
To disapprove (and unlock) a system user's timesheet to permit them to make changes to their record:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Review Records". Your Review Records screen will be displayed.
- In your Review Records screen, use the Employee selector to select the employee whose timesheet you would like to disapprove (and unlock for editing).
- With the employee of interest selected, click the "Get Records" button. Your Timesheet Administration screen will be opened, with all timesheets belonging to the selected employee listed in the screen's table window.
- In your Timesheet Administration screen's table window, select the timesheet record to disapprove.
- With the record selected, click the toolbar button labeled "Disapprove". The record is now disapproved and can be edited. The employee who entered the timesheet can now sign in to their timesheet entry application and retrieve their past timesheet for editing.
To allow an employee to approve the timesheets of other users from their time entry application, that individual must first have system users assigned to their user account. That is done through your User Administration screen.
Once user records have been assigned to an employee's account, non-approved timesheets will be made available for that individual's review and approval through their timesheet entry application.
To assign employees to another system user (to allow timesheet approval for those employees):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the employee for whom you would like to assign timesheet approval rights.
- With the user record of interest selected, click the button labeled "Assigned Users". Your Assigned Users screen will be opened.
- Using the arrow buttons positioned between the "Employees Not Assigned" and "Employees Assigned to" tables, select the system users whose timesheets you would like the named employee to be able to approve. User accounts can be added to or removed from the "Employees Assigned to" table window as appropriate for the named employee's approval. Any user accounts listed in the "Employees Assigned to" table when changes are saved will have their timesheets made available for approval by the named employee.
- Once all user accounts to be included in the named employee's scope of timesheet approval have been added to the "Employees Assigned to" table, click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, and the selected user may now use the Timesheet Approval screen of their time entry application to review and approve the timesheets of individuals in their scope of responsibility.
By default, all active projects will be made available for use in system timesheets and expense claims. The available projects can be limited in your system by assigning specific projects to an individual's user account.
To assign projects to a system user (to limit the projects available for their review and use):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the employee for whom you would like to limit project access.
- With the user record of interest selected, click the button labeled "Assigned Projects". Your Assigned Projects screen will be opened.
- Using the arrow buttons positioned between the "Projects Not Assigned" and "Projects Assigned to" tables, select the projects that you would like the named employee to be able to access in their timesheets and expense claims. Projects can be added to or removed from the "Projects Assigned to" table window as appropriate for the named employee's access. Any projects listed in the "Projects Assigned to" table when changes are saved will be made available to the named employee. If the "Projects Assigned to" table is left empty, all active projects will be made available to the named employee.
- Once all projects to be made available to the named employee's timesheets and claims have been added to the "Projects Assigned to" table, click the "Save" toolbar button. Your changes will be saved, and the selected user will now have their timesheets and expense claims limited to view only the projects you have specified (or all active projects, if their "Projects Assigned to" table has been left empty).
To change a timesheet entered by one of your system users:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Review Records". Your Review Records screen will be displayed.
- In your Review Records screen, use the Employee selector to select the employee whose timesheet you would like to change.
- With the employee of interest selected, click the "Get Records" button. Your Timesheet Administration screen will be opened, with all timesheets belonging to the selected employee listed in the screen's table window.
- In your Timesheet Administration screen's table window, select the timesheet record you would like to adjust.
- If the timesheet you have selected is noted as having been approved, it will be locked from editing. You can allow editing of that timesheet by disapproving the record with a click of the "Disapprove Timesheet" toolbar button.
- With the timesheet of interest selected and confirmed as being editable, click the "Details" toolbar button. Your Timesheet Detail screen will be opened, with the selected timesheet's contents displayed.
- With the timesheet displayed in your Timesheet Detail screen, click the "Edit Timesheet" toolbar button. Your screen will be set to editable mode, with the timesheet now able to be adjusted.
- Using the screen's billing code selectors for project, activity and task selection, adjust the timesheet to change billing codes, hours or comments as you would like.
- Once your adjustments have been completed, click the green "Save" toolbar button. A message will appear confirming that your changes to the timesheet have been saved. Click anywhere on the screen to close that popup message.
- Click the "Back" toolbar button to close the timesheet and return to your Timesheet Administration screen. The adjusted timesheet can now be approved (to lock it from further edits) or be left unapproved and open to adjustment by the record's owner as you would like.
The "Delete" button in the Timesheet and Expense Claim Administration screens is inactivated by default. Except in cases of mistaken record creation, you should have no need to delete a timesheet or expense claim stored in your system. To temporarily activate those buttons to allow a record deletion:
- Sign in to your account, then click the button labeled "Settings". Your System Settings screen will be displayed.
- On your Settings screen, toggle the "Enable Time/Expense Deletion" checkbox On (the Save button for your Settings screen will not be activated -- this is not a change that is saved). The ability to delete timesheet and expense claim records will now be enabled for your current Senomix session, and you can exit your Settings screen and return to your Timesheet or Expense Claim administration.
After timesheet and expense claim deletion has been enabled through the clicking of the System Settings screen button, the "Delete" toolbar button will be activated for use in your Timesheet and Expense Claim Administration screens, allowing record deletion for your current Senomix session.
A timesheet or expense claim record can be deleted in your Administration screens by selecting the record of interest in the screen's table window, clicking the "Delete" toolbar button and acknowledging the confirmation messages that follow.
[How Do I..?] Create an administration-only user that does not count against my system's user license totalYour Senomix system provides a "Non-Time Entering" user access level that allows you to specify system users who will need to use your Senomix applications for administration and reporting purposes, but who will not record time for themselves.
To set a system user to be "Non-Time Entering" (and so not count against your office's license total):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the employee you would like to designate as being 'non-time entering' (so, the person who will never need to enter timesheets or expense claims in your system).
- With the user record of interest selected, set the "User Access" selector to the "No Time Entry Allowed" option and click the "Save" toolbar button to apply the change.
- The selected user is now set as non-time entering and will not be allowed to enter timesheets and expense claims, or to have timesheets or expense claims created for them by an administrator. The user account will also no longer count against your office's user license, and their license space may now be used by a new employee.
Please Note: If your record Save action is blocked when setting the user account to be non-time entering with a message indicating that the employee has timesheets or expense claims listed for them in your system, their existing timesheets and claims must be deleted before their account can be designated as non-time entering. A user that has been set to have the "No Time Entry Allowed" User Access right cannot have records entered in your system, but can be set to have administrative or reports access as you would like.
Rather than delete that user's past timesheets, you can also set their user record historic and create a new 'admin-only' account for that individual that will allow their admin access.
[How Do I..?] Set a user to only have access to the stopwatch for recording timeTo set a user to have stopwatch-only access rights (which blocks them from using the system timesheet screen to edit or review their work):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the person you would like to limit to stopwatch use only.
- With the user record of interest selected, set the "User Access" selector to the "Stopwatch Access Only" option and click the "Save" toolbar button to apply the change.
- The selected user will now only be able to access their system stopwatch for time tracking, and will be unable to edit or review time through their timesheet entry screens.
To grant administrator access to an existing user account (so, allow a person to edit projects, change user accounts and have full access to system timesheets, expense claims and reports):
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record corresponding to the person you would like to grant administrator access to.
- With the user record of interest selected, click the "Administrator" checkbox "On" and click the "Save" toolbar button to apply the change.
- The selected user has now been granted full administrator access and will be able to access your system's admin screens to edit projects, adjust user accounts, review timesheets and expense claims, and create reports.
To permanently remove a user from your Senomix Timesheets license user count but keep their timesheet and expense claim records, you must set that user account to be "Historic".
You can make a user account Historic by following these steps:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "User Admin". Your User Administration screen will be displayed.
- In your User Administration screen table window, click the user record you would like to permanently disable and remove from your user license count.
- With the user record of interest selected, click the "Set Historic" button. A confirmation message will appear that asks you to confirm your action before proceeding. Click the "Yes" button to continue.
- A secondary confirmation message will appear that reminds you that setting a user record to be Historic is not a reversible action. Once a user has been set to be Historic, they will be removed from your license count and be set as permanently disabled in your system. Only individuals who have permanently left your organization should be made Historic. When you are ready to proceed with making the selected user account Historic, click the "Yes" button.
- An information message will be displayed informing you that the selected user account has now been set as Historic, with the user record changing in appearance in your User Administration screen to reflect that new state. The user license space previously occupied by that user account is now available and can be re-used for a new user account in your system.
Although project copy is a straight-forward process, you probably do not want to do this. To use the same set of activity and task billing codes between a group of projects, it is almost always better to use a project template instead.
Project templates allow you to use a shared set of activity and task billing codes between any number of projects, and provides a simple way to coordinate your office's work tasks.
If you would prefer not to use project templates, you can duplicate a project's billing code contents by copying all activity and task billing codes from one project to another through these steps:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Configuration". Your Configuration Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Configuration Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "Other Items". Your Other Items Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Other Items Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "Copy Project". Your Copy Project Codes screen will be displayed.
- On your Copy Project Codes screen, select in the "From Project" selector the project from which you would like to copy the activity and task billing codes.
- On your Copy Project Codes screen, select in the "To Project" selector the project to which you would like to copy the activity and task billing codes.
- With the "From" and "To" projects selected, click the "Copy Project" toolbar button. An information message will appear reminding you of the ability to use project templates and the benefits of using that option rather than performing a project copy over the years. Click the "Ok" button to close the message.
- A confirmation message will appear that lists the projects you have set to copy activity and task billing codes from and to. Click the "Yes" button to proceed with the project copy as described in that message.
- An information message will appear indicating that your project copy action has been completed. All copied activity and task billing codes will now be available for your use in your target "To" project.
To permanently reassign employee recorded time from one billing code to another, transferring all effort recorded on all timesheets from one project, activity and task code to a different project, activity and task:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Configuration". Your Configuration Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Configuration Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "Other Items". Your Other Items Sub-Menu screen will be displayed.
- On your Other Items Sub-Menu screen, click the button labeled "Reassign Codes". Your Timesheet Billing Code Reassignment screen will be displayed.
- On your Timesheet Billing Code Reassignment screen, select in the "From Billing Code" selectors the project, activity and task from which you would like to move employee time.
- On your Timesheet Billing Code Reassignment screen, select in the "To Billing Code" selectors the project, activity and task to which you would like to move employee time.
- With the from and to codes specified, click the "Reassign Codes" toolbar button. A confirmation message will appear that prompts you to confirm that your designated project, activity and task billing codes are correct.
- Please take a moment to carefully review the project, activity and task values you have set for your code reassignment. All timesheets will be permanently adjusted to move values from your source billing code to your destination billing code. With your selection confirmed, click the "Yes" button to continue.
- After all billing codes have been changed to reflect your entered adjustment (which may take a few minutes), a confirmation message will appear indicating that your data change has been completed. Click the "Ok" button to close the message. All timesheet information previously stored under your "From" billing code will now be recorded under your specified "To" billing code, with effort hours and comments merged as appropriate.
If you would like to change a template-using project in your system to one which stands on its own (with its own set of independently editable activities and tasks):
- First, create a new project to use as your new stand-alone project. Do not create any activity or task records for that project, or set it to use a project template. The newly created project should be completely empty.
- Using the project copy option, copy the activities and tasks from your old template-using project to the new empty project. All activities and tasks previously referenced in your old template-using project will now be stored as stand-alone activities and tasks accessible through your new project record. The newly copied activities and tasks can now be adjusted without affecting any other system activities and tasks. Any adjustments made to those records for setting estimated completion dates or estimate hours will now only be referenced by those records.
- For each activity and task available under the old templated project, perform a billing code reassignment to transfer all hours recorded under each activity and task to the newly created project's activities and tasks.
- Once all effort hours and expenses have been transferred from the templated activity and task set in the previous step, your recorded data will be stored and referenced under the new project. The template-using project will now be empty and can be inactivated or deleted as you would like. To confirm that all effort hours and expenses previously referenced by the old template-using project have been moved, a report can be created for that abandoned project to confirm that no data remains recorded for that work.
To create a report that displays all project, activity and task billing codes stored in your system:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- Select the "Report Type" of "Export Reports" -> "Billing Codes List" and click the "Create Report" toolbar button. A spreadsheet listing of your project, activity and task billing codes will be created and listed for your viewing in Microsoft Excel. All billing codes will be included in your report, with the project/activity/task code, name and active status of each item displayed in your spreadsheet, along with the relationship of each item to its parent billing code.
To create an invoice report that displays all billed time, employee rates, invoice charges, taxes, etc. for one of your projects:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- On your Create Report screen, click the "Clear" toolbar button to clear all report filter criteria.
- Select the "Report Type" of "Invoice Report".
- Using the "Date To" and "Date From" filter options, set the date range for the time period to be covered by your invoice.
- Using the "Billing Code" selectors, select the project for which the invoice is to be created, leaving the activity and task fields blank.
- Click the "Create Report" toolbar button. An invoice for your selected project and date range will be created and displayed in your web browser or Microsoft Excel as you have set for your report output preference. You can edit your report in Microsoft Excel to include any additional items you would like for payment terms or invoice information.
For detailed instructions about how to export approved timesheets to Xero, QuickBooks or MYOB, please see your Administration Users Guide.
[How Do I..?] Export timesheet data to Access, Microsoft Excel or an external databaseTo export your system data to Microsoft Access or another database or accounting application that can read CSV (comma separated values) files, you will want to create a CSV or TXT (flat file) database export report.
Those export reports can be created from your Create Report screen by following these steps:
- Sign in to your account, then click Management -> System Admin. You will be brought to your Admin Main Menu screen.
- On your Main Menu screen, click the button labeled "Create Report". Your Create Report screen will be displayed.
- Select the "Report Type" of "Database Export Report (CSV)" or "Database Export Report (TXT)" as you would prefer for your output.
- With your report type set, click the "Create Report" toolbar button. An information message will appear informing you that your export will include all of your recorded timesheet data. Click the "Yes" button on that message to continue creating your data export.
- Your report will be created in a new web browser window, and you can save your export from that window by right-clicking the window's text and choosing the "Save As..." option from the list that appears.
- Your data export report is now created and ready for use as an import file to your external database. A column-by-column description of your export report layout and contents can be found in the appendices of your Administration Users Guide.
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